Two Upcoming Southern New Mexico Trail Runs!!

On Sunday December 15th, we have the low-key, fun, 14th annual pre-holiday Sagebrush Olderbark Shuffle (S.O.S.) 9 hour run. No entry fee (donations of food etc. welcome), just come out to Vado, New Mexico (exit #155 off I-10, between Las Cruces and El Paso) and start running at 7:50 a.m. WE do a few easy road miles at the start, then longer out-backs and finally, later in the day (for anyone still going), we have short 2 mile section with each 1/4 mile clearly marked. Water and drinks on course every 2-3 miles, plenty of food and holiday door prizes at main parking/ start area.

Sat. Feb. 1, 2014.
Sugarloaves’ Ultra Vista (S.U.V.) Ultras– 60Km (37.5 mi.), 28+ mile, plus shorter races.
Meet at SV trail head parking lot, 2 miles east of I-10 Vado exit (exit #155).
8:10 a.m. start all races.
Course similar to last year with some dirt and paved road in first few miles, then longer 9-10 mile out and backs north on Sierra Vista multi-use trail.

Also like last year, we will have a time cut-off at 28+ miles to ensure all runners finishing by sunset or a very few minutes after.

We will have race morning registration– complete registration info. will be posted in the next few days.

Awards/ prizes 1-3 M/F in each race.
Running shoe gift certificates for 1+2 M/F in longer races.
Medals to all finishers of ultras.
Ribbons to finishers of shorter races.
Water, drinks, snacks every 3 miles on course. LOTS of food and drink at start/ finish area, which you cross through at regular intervals.

More info. to be posted ASAP.

Come and bring your friends!

R.O.X. 50Km and 27 mile Results & Report

R.O.X. 50Km and 27.3 mile (shorter race results are elsewhere)
Vado, New Mexico
Nov. 16, 2013

50+Km (trails and some roads at 4,040′>4,450′)
(note– 14 folks singed up for the 50Km)

1. Luis Leon, 44, Tucson, AZ 4:59:49
2. Peter Livingstone, 49, Las Cruces, NM 5:34:13
3. Kyle McLaughlin, 22, Buckley, WA 5:45:55
4. Dan Reed, 30, El Paso, TX 6:25:06
5. Steve Wilson, 26, El Paso, TX 6:25:07
6. Juan Peralta, 33, El Paso, TX 6:44:28
7. Dale Louis, 58, Grants, NM 7:10:55
8. David Townsend, 39, Evansville, IN 7:15:14

27.3 mile:

1. Garth Reader, Los Alamos, NM 4:42:49
2. Eduardo Solis, El Paso, TX 5:17:45

Sixteen adventuresome runners came out to scenic Vado, New Mexico (home to Dominguez Family Dairy Farm, one of the 3-4 biggest dairy farms in the world) on a mild but extremely windy day. Several hours into the run our large event tent got blown off its moorings, its metal supports snapped like thin twigs.

The Organ Mountains, around the base of which these races pass, are 9,000’+ cathedral-like spires that are part of a large proposed new National Monument. Runners found that while there were no major climbs, the short, steep, loose and sometimes overgrown arroyos and ridges took their toll.

We look forward to the above runners and many more joining us February 1 for our annual Sugarloaves’ (S.U.V.) trail races out in this same remote, scenic area.

Thank you to all R.O.X. runners!

Thank you so much to everyone who came out and ran or helped on Saturday Nov. 16. I hope everyone had fun and is recovering. I will post results ASAP both here and at the Race Adventures Unlimited site.

Until the next time, “may the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be always at your back.”

More Specific Directions + Motel/ Hotel

To be more specific: at exit #155 off I-10 (which is midway between Las Cruces and El Paso), get off I-10.

You will notice two truck stops on the west (downhill) side of the interchange. They are good for last minute food, drinks, restrooms, etc.

The RACE starts 2 miles EAST (uphill– other side of interchange from truck stops) from the exit ramp.

Follow the winding paved road passed a large GRAVEL OPERATION on your left (north) and keep going uphill and east, towards the organ Mountains in the distance (they are not 3 miles away as the crow flies from the exit ramps).

Two (2) miles from I-10 you will cross under a power-line and see a large sign reading “Sierra Vista Trail.” Turn off on the gravel road to the left (northeast) that passes the big sign. Within 200 yards you will see a large gravel parking lot on your left, plus a restroom, start/ finish area, tents, etc. The races start and end near the horse hitching rails on the east edge of the parking lot.

HOTEL/MOTEL: Many in west El Paso (Mesa Road exit), also at University Drive exit in Las Cruces. There is a Best Western just 9 miles from exit #155 in Anthony, NM, it is clean and good BUT is next to a huge truck stop. I hesitate to recommend any one hotel as some runners have found a particular hotel “great” while other folks found the same hotel “NOT great.”

Feel free to call me with any questions– (915)581-9541(H) or (915)497-9329 (C). I will be out on the course most of today and Friday. The trails are in a record state of overgrowth and I am doing the best I can to make everything runnable.

Safe travels to everyone–

Course directions/ map–

If you scroll down to “January 2013” you will find a color map of most of the R.O.X. route (similar to Sugarloaves’ course, but with a bit less on the road etc.).

Basically, all races at R.O.X. start together and head south (crossing road) for a pretty, somewhat overgrown 2.3+ mile loop. You then pass back through the start/ finish area and head north of the Sierra Vista trail towards the looming Bishop Cap Mountain in the distance. At the foot of Bishop Cap (tricky SIX-way junction) you cross on the single-track (heavily flagged) and keep going north about .3 more miles to a large bare area (good views in all directions) with AID/ turnaround signs/ etc. Turn around and retrace steps to start.

Pass start/ finish at +-9 miles/ 11+ miles/ 18 miles/ 20+ miles/ 27 miles/ 50Km (31.5 miles). SO– lots of access to your vehicle and the main food tent/ restroom/ etc.

NOW I must get out there and hack back the WAIST-high weeds and grass that have overtaken about a mile of the trail. Rough briars, sand-spurs, mesquite, etc.

Best wishes to all runners/

Mark D

How to Register On-line AND In Person!

For on-line registration for R.O.X. trail runs, please see–

For in-person registration, please stop by Up And Running westside shoppe (next to Cabo Joe’s on North Mesa, just a few blocks north of UTEP) on Friday Nov. 15 10-5. OR– register at the race start in Vado on race morning, 7:40 a.m.

Come join the fun!